This is needed!

          When you open a news channel it has to be with the intention that it should cover all the areas that can come under the purview of journalism in the locality and then develop the further interests of the population. Starting locally has its advantages as it can form a great customer base as has been done by the phoenix newschannel. It caters to the local population and the state wide population and does the duty as much as to the best of its quality. Both these regionsshould be given due importance as a human being would want to know what happens locally as well as that happens globally. The channel fits the desire fully.

Balanced approach:

          A news channel even before it is started has to be well thought out as in this case and a balance can be seen from the website as it tries to be balanced in its approach to reporting on an area basis.


The human beings have a right to know what is going on in their areas and the channel that gives it is a great service provider for the locals and others.

Proper mix;

          A proper mix of all the news varieties or genre is handled well as the mixture will be something which gives every person something to know about and also to thinkabout. The news channel has given due importance to health care, to education, to legal activities and prevention of crime, the environmental conditions and the latest weather report. It also deals in the sports activity that takes place in the region and the phoenix news also the municipal news which will interest the people who is in to politics and also those interested in education.